That’s what good advertising in the future will be like. Just like good advertising in the past and present. If you have something to say, say it and get out of there. If you don’t have anything to say, make it up. But keep it short and simple. To the point and loaded with offers. As technology becomes cheaper and the basic necessities of life become more expensive, future times will see mobile phones being offered free with potatoes. Cloning trials free on purchase of family pack of oxygen and the latest PC with a month’s supply of water!
Let’s face it. Offers and reduction sales have become the pillars on which all brands exist. Through no fault of the brands or products, of course. This is so merely because supply far exceeds demand. The consumer is spoilt for choice and although brand loyalty does exist, one has to admit, it is more prominent during a ‘Sale’!
However, the method in which you receive this message may vary. Internet shopping is already a hot favourite. Messages are sent directly to your mobile phone number about the latest products and offers. It is easy to imagine the use of technology in advertising. Someday catalogs will carry microchips instead of photographs. All you have to do is insert it into you mobile shopping device and type your PSC (personal shopping code). Enter the product code for, say, a pair of pants. A virtual image of the garment floats out. Try it on. Check the fit and the look. If you like it, just click the green button on your mobile shopping device and the pants will be delivered to your doorstep. At no extra cost. In the mood for some window shopping? Just enter the code of the shopping mall you desire to visit. Click enter, and voila! Here is a virtual shopping mall, complete with other shoppers and rest stops and offers of the day. Browse through it and if you see something you like, tell the virtual salesman. He will enter your PSC and beam you up to the changing room! And if you don’t need to try it on, then he’ll just have the product of your choice delivered to your doorstep!
All entertainment will be sponsored, as it is now. But that’s not all that will be sponsored. Imagine if you can, children being sponsored by companies. Yes, it may sound absurd, but not that absurd when you realize that almost everything you see on TV is sponsored. Magazines are full of ads, as are newspapers. Thus your reading habit and leisure time is sponsored. Buildings are covered with banners and hoardings. Even the skies are littered with hot air balloons and tiny aircraft fuming out messages. Probably contributing a good part to your road taxes. Already people wear garments and accessories proudly flashing names and logos of companies. So how difficult is it to imagine a class full of first graders, wearing blue ties with the logo of a popular detergent on it. In turn the detergent sponsors their midday-break treat.
Or consider sponsorship in, maybe, a maternity ward. Full of posters, banners and other POS of a diaper brand. All baby cots would carry the logo. As would the blankets and baby wraps. Why leave out the bibs and feeding bottles? As well as the identity tags. In return, parents are given a rebate on medical charges, a discount voucher on baby clothing of the same brand, plus a week’s supply of diapers free!
If you think it is difficult to cope with junk mail and advertising clutter now, imagine a time when technology is so advanced, you can receive advertising messages straight where it counts – in your mind. Telepathy may be the most popular media vehicle of 2025. ‘Mind’ addresses will be requested in raffle draws and other promotions. Databases will be incomplete without the ‘mind id’ of the consumer. Companies will employ far more telephats as compared to telesales people. And ads demanding people with ‘mind’ abilities will fill up the appointments pages. No experience needed. Training provided. Only qualification – ESP – relevant certification will be required if candidate is selected. Telepathie-mail CV and relevant details to commercialpsycho@!
What do you think?