‘Society’ is defined in many different ways. Broadly speaking, it is explained as a close interaction of a group of people sharing a similar culture or interests. Whatever its pure scientific meaning , it certainly was and is a man-made creation meant to make life, if not better, then at least simpler for the people in it. Then how and when did it become the oppressive force which convinces people to deny their truths?
It tells people they should deny diseases like diabetes and cancer. Pretend they don’t know their neighbour is a wife beater. Skirt around the topic of an adopted child.
Having been a fence sitter where most rules are concerned, I personally find it difficult to empathise with those that rigidly bind themselves with rules made by others. Often these same people, having led a life of societal obedience become self-appointed upholders of society’s norms.
If they did not do it, neither should their sons, daughters, wives, husbands or any one else that should be unfortunate enough to care for their judgement. And if they did do it – they expect the rest of the world to toe that same line. If they fail at enforcing the rules they have lived by, they become resentful, bitter and in some cases, even vengeful.
And ‘society’ becomes the baton with which they hope to beat people into ‘approved’ behaviour.
How did society become the whip that closed minds use to curb those that don’t colour within the lines?
Funnily enough, if you get successful at colouring outside the lines, this same society will call you Picasso, if not, a social deviant.
What do you think?